what does it mean to say it is well with my soul

Selling Your Soul to the Devil Brother RahmanYous may accept often heard that this or that celebrity "sold" their soul to the devil or a lesser demon for fame or fortune (how true is this maybe I cannot say). You may have heard of Black Magic Practitioners "selling" their soul to the devil or some demon for various magical power simply what does this all mean? Will your soul really go to the devil when you pass? Volition he make you lot his minion and have you serve him for eternity, what does it all hateful?

In Surah Yunus (chp.10) Ayah 56 it states: He gives life and causes decease, and to Him you shall be brought dorsum.

In Surah Every bit-Sajda (chp.32) Ayah 10-11 it states:

And they say: What! When nosotros have go lost in the earth, shall we and then certainly exist in a new cosmos? Nay! They are disbelievers in the meeting of their Lord. Say: The affections of decease who is given accuse of you shall cause yous to dice, then to your Lord you shall exist brought back.

In Surah Az-Zumar (chp.39) Ayah 52 the beginning sentence y'all will see it states conspicuously "Allah takes the soul at the time of death."

The soul goes to ONLY Allah.

The devil has no command over our soul, while the devil and his helpers can tempt mankind to exercise various things that they should not, they cannot have our soul. The devil does not demand your soul nor does the devil need you to be his servant because he has them by the millions on this earth every bit it is.

Selling your soul to the devil means you have damned your soul. In other words your soul will go correct to hellfire for the pact yous made with the devil or his helpers (unless if Allah wills). When a person makes a pact with the devil, it means at present that person is seeking the devil's assistance. They no longer seeks Gods assist merely seek mankind'south greatest enemy'south help. They have lost their faith in Allah/God and have put faith in the Devil or a lesser demon to get what they seek. The pact makes them ask this dark entity for help, the pact is to remove your faith from God and put it in the devil or its helpers, the pact is to put the devil or its helper above God which is a grave sin, and penalisation is eternal damnation. This is the true meaning of selling your Soul to the Devil.

Such pacts are frequently made by people who practice black magic where the demon they conjured will have them practice horrible things such as vandalize the Holy Quran (Austugfirullah) which is done by the practitioner to show Allah/God it does not care for Allah or Allah's Holy words and teachings. From there, the demon ask the practitioner to merely seek its help while the demon makes the practitioner do horrible things in return for its service end result is the practitioner has lost faith in God and seeks only these entities return in help (Austugfirullah). This is a pact made between the dark entity and the human. This is "Selling your Soul to the Devil".

Often such practitioners don't realize what they take done. Some say that they have not vandalized any Holy Volume nor did they accept to do anything bad, but since when is putting more faith in the created over the creator okay? That correct in that location is one of the gravest sins. Time later time, I have heard from various black magic practitioner that they had to practice no such deed. Time after fourth dimension, I take heard from various dark entity keeper that their "Demon loves them" but it never fails, either it be 1 month, vi calendar month or years later they email me telling me:

  • I do not know why my dark entity gets mad suddenly if I get to Mosque or a Church?
  • Why does my dark entity get mad if I read annihilation holy?
  • Why has my desire to seek Allah/God help decreased?
  • Why is it if cease seeking the help of my dark entity they get mad or I go some type of problem in my life?
  • Why does the entity I work with want me to do this or that dirty act?
  • Why exercise I take the sudden want to go violent and hurt people?
  • Why practise I accept sudden increase of depression anxiety and suicidal Thoughts?
  • Why am I suddenly having all of this bad luck afterwards having and so many dark entities?

I have heard such things not only from people who keep night entities but besides from individuals who conjure them.

Diverse blackness magic practitioner have had to practice horrible things to Allah's holy words to go some entity to assist them. In fact various blackness magic involves vandalizing the Holy Quran in various talisman and rituals that are involved in that occult knowledge. When practitioners start doing such things, take they not sold their soul for power, have they not sold their faith for worldly desires, have they not sold their soul to get assistance from some entity? If this is not selling your soul to the devil then what is?

Allah knows best.



Source: https://www.brotherrahman.net/selling-your-soul-to-the-devil-what-does-it-mean/

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